Pop Splash

Pop Splash


Pretty Hurts?

    Pretty Hurts is the new single from BeyoncĂ©, but do you also think that pretty hurts? 
    Well, in my opinion this is true when people get crazy about her appearance and are always afraid about that. The truth is that today, we can find more people afraid about that than a few years ago.
    This isn't cool at all, because you can have a lot of problems like: depression, anorexic, bulimic and even die.
    The most important is take care of yourself but with limits, without getting crazy, and always remember to be yourself, because we are who we are: fat, slim, normal, beautiful/handsome, ugly, extrovert, quiet, talkative. We just have to improve our qualities and leave behind our defects.
   Would be funny if all of us had the same appearance? I think no! It'd be so boring.
   Have a nice day guys ;).